Luke 23:44 - "By this time it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until three o'clock."

Thursday, July 19, 2007


A Moment from Deuteronomy 6

Remember the promise my child, the promise that I gave to you in the book of the beginnings? Remember what I did in the lives your forefathers? Remember Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Remember the promise, and remember the promised seed? What promise and what seed you may ask? The promise of a land, seed, and blessing is the reply. Remember that through Abraham all the nations of the world would be blessed? Remember the promised seed that came from the womb of a ninety-year-old woman? When it was humanly impossible the seed was born in order that it might sustain the divinely promised Seed. But remember it is God who is rich in mercy and grace. It is Yahweh who gives to us all things whether they are (not good or bad, but rather) pleasant or unpleasant.
Chosen one, forget not what Yahweh has done for you. Do not forget who givs you your life. You did not form yourself; rather it is He, the Creator who sustains you. Do not forget who gives you your health. Do not forget who gives you your food, your clothes, your home, and your jobs. Brothers, when the good times roll do not forget, neglect, or forsake the Giver and Provider of all things. Remember the One who makes straight your paths and sheds light upon your feet.
But most of all O child of God, remember what your Lord and Savior has done for you! Redemption. Salvation. Justification. Propitiation. Remember O sinner what you used to be. Sinners. Haters of God. Vile. Unjust. Idolaters. Lovers of evil. But God, in His great love with which He loved you chose to save you. He, the Creator God predestined to redeem you before He even created you. He gave you a Savior, His own Son. The Son, the vicarious, atoning Son, perfect, spotless, blameless before the Father, this Son died for you and for me.
Do not forget O man your redemption. Remember your bondage and slavery. Do not forget your Exodus, when the very hand of God Almighty led you out and away from your bitter enemies. Oh, and remember that He not only delivered you, but He also saved you from them. Remember the horrific yoke of sin that captivated your soul. Remember how your Lord in His Sovereign will and time took the writing of requirements written against you and nailed them to a tree. Remember that sinner, and do not forget. This promised Seed, the one who was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob gives you an inheritance. You are now adopted. You are now children of the risen Lord. You have all the spiritual blessings which the heavens afford to bestow.
Oh, and one more thing redeemed one, remember to fear God and keep His commands. Do not forget who you are and who you used to be. Do not forget why you do what you do. Remember what the “beginning of wisdom” is, and where true understanding is derived. Do not forget that it is the fear of the Lord; it is the knowledge of the Holy One. Do not forget the LORD your God. Do not forget what He has done for you. Do not forget His marvelous, divine acts which He has displayed for you in the past. With all that to remember O justified man, remember to tell your children. Tell them, teach them, instruct them, and remind them of who God is and what God has done. Men, model for your kids righteousness and remind them of the greatness of God. Remember the Great Shema. Remember, you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. P.S. Don’t forget!

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