Luke 23:44 - "By this time it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until three o'clock."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Tribute to My Father

Today as I reflect upon Father’s Day I am grateful to God for the absolute blessing of having a godly earthly father. I can truly say that I understand and realize the spiritual adoption/sonship that the Bible so powerfully presents in Romans 8, Galatians 4 and Ephesians 1. As being one who is adopted both spiritually and physically, I genuinely cherish my heavenly and earthly fathers who took someone that nobody wanted and called him their son. That’s my story. My heavenly Father sought me out, called my name, placed me at his side to be his son, and blessed me with every spiritual blessing! I am now his child forever! I have access to his eternal name and the bountiful inheritance which he offers to me! I am his son.

So to my Heavenly Father who has given me spiritual life and upholds my physical life in his power, I give Him my gratitude for my earthly father. There has never been a doubt in my childhood that my Dad loved God and desired to do what his Father wanted in his life. My Dad has always been devoted to God’s service. For the last 30+ years that entailed loving my Mom, raising 5 kids to love and serve the eternal King, committing time and sacrifice to Kingdom work via the Church, and working extremely hard in the vocation which he had been called serve: farming.

So Dad, I’m thankful that there was never a day in my childhood in which I thought you were not committed to your marriage to Mom. I never had reason to doubt that you loved her and were willing to give your life for her, just like Jesus. Dad, I’m thankful that you never talked of leaving Mom or us kids. You were always present in our childhood. You were always there for your wife and your kids. Thank you Dad.

Dad, I’m thankful that you were intentional in your instruction and discipline that we as your children would understand and experience the presence of God and the power of the Gospel!Thank you for deliberately raising us with Jesus as our only source of substance and existence.Dad, thank you for pointing us to the cross at such an early age. Thank you for living a Spirit-led life. Thank you also for placing great emphasis on God’s work here on earth. Thank you for training us to embrace Kingdom work. Thank you for showing us sacrificial service and a love for the local church!

Dad, lastly I want to thank you for being devoted to the call of God upon your life. Never was there a day where you shirked or ran from your responsibilities and the extreme hardships that accompanied it. You taught me how to work. You taught me how to be diligent. You taught me how to be a steward. You taught me how to be responsible. You taught me how to simply live life. You taught me how I could be a child of God.

So Dad, today is Father’s Day, and I want to wish you the happiest, joy-filled Father’s Day ever.As I sit here and type over a tear-stained keyboard, I cannot express to you and to the Lord of how thankful I am to have an earthly father like you. Looking back at all the bumps in the road, I can truly say that if I could be half the man that you are I would be absolutely thrilled! Dad, thank you for everything! Thank you for your life, your love, your devotion!

Thank you Dad. I love you! Happy Father’s Day!

Your Son

1 comment:

kellyH said...

beautiful post Wes!